Sunday, May 11, 2008

Living today as a 40 something year old isn't a cake walk

I would normally address this Attention Ladies... but I have recently learned being in your forties has challenges for both men and women, which I find fascinating.

When I first turned 40, I thought well live is half over, because we women only live to be about 80. When that sank in that in my estimation, I had wasted the first part of my life, I was upset. That was nothing compared to the changes and challenges that faced me.

I suddenly developed a rash that could not be explained by any medical doctor. I was sure I had leporscy. Not even sure what that was, but I knew I had it. Then, I lost my Mom. Wow, who would know how to deal with that, and I said goodbye to family unit I had for half my life. Next job change... How interesting... And then the 40 year old ish living...

Well it's not a bad story, a challenge here and there, and some fun along the way. I hope you join me in my journey.


Posted by Jersey Girl 46 :: 7:35 AM :: 0 Comments:

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