Friday, August 22, 2008

The week flew sorry for being gone..

With Fay the Hurricane, Tropical Storm or whatever she was, it was hectic to say the least. I have a nervous nelly in my office it was quite fun. The weather really danced around and landed no where near me, but the preparations were overwhelming. As it came to a close I breathed a sigh of relief.

But I have a few other things getting ready to take it's place in occupancy land... I am planning my engagement party. That's right I am getting married. To a very nice man who laughs at my jokes, or at me, I am not sure which...

But planning this party has been interesting. Finding the location, which state, when, who, when, and who... It's a merry-go-round for sure. Did I mention it's a merry go-round??? Anyway, plenty of tidbits will come from this and I hope it will fill you with warmth...


Posted by Jersey Girl 46 :: 6:50 AM :: 0 Comments:

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