Sunday, July 12, 2009

The weekend flew...

This past week and weekend has been a blur. After the final viewing of the Michael Jackson funeral and all the pundents commentary I was ready for something different. This summer has been a blast but there is work to do you know...

I indulge in a few guilty pleasures and some may shock you...Whale Wars on Friday nights is a show I can't stop watching. I think it's sad about the Whale killings, but on the other hand, I think the Sea Shepherd is a bit loo-loo. Only one paid person on the ship (The Captain) and the rest are made to shower only on certain days, not eat meat, and live in a bit of squalor. I know they signed up for it, but I just want to jump on that ship and cook hearty meals for them. A little meat for goodness sakes.

Speaking of cooking, another guilty pleasure is the next Food Network Star show. I am so opinionated that anyone around me can barely take it. Well... maybe one or two can take it. I love cooking and I love cooking shows. My favorite dish to make ... Appetizers. I love mini's of anything and love love love variety.

Those are about it on my guilty pleasures, well... there is bowling. I love that too. This week is going to be interesting. I am planning a huge road trip to NO WHERE... I will be photo documenting too... woohoo.

Thanks for the 2 that read this...

Posted by Jersey Girl 46 :: 10:33 PM :: 0 Comments:

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