Sunday, August 24, 2008

The VP was announced...

I am a middle of the road kind of person. I vote the way I think, one issue at a time. For being a former politician I am told I am "dangerous". I do not vote a straight party line, sorry can't do it. And by can't I mean WON'T. But back to the VP issue. If Obama would have picked Hillary I would support him, even though I dig John McCain. Because I dig the sax man (Bill Clinton) more. And let's face it, if former Clinton is involved, we are back in the saddle. But Obama screwed up big time. Not that Biden isn't something of an icon, because let's face it since I was 7 years old he has been in office. Hmm... since 1972 he couldn't find a real job? OK, that was a cheap shot, and especially from a girl like me that overlooks Ted Kennedy's many flaws... If it weren't Hillary, it should have been Gov Rendell from PA. Sorry but it's true...

So John McCain, you have my vote and support, which in the big scheme of things means, I will donate the appropriate amount of money, volunteer and yes remain a republican until the next election.

By the way, who has a name spell check cannot address??? I have several misspellings because of the word Obama. Not likely it will be added to any of my personal dictionaries.

Hillary in 2012.


Posted by Jersey Girl 46 :: 9:59 PM :: 0 Comments:

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