Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Almost 2009

May you have a great 2009 and your hearts fill will Peace and Joy. I am a pretty religious person, not that I am pretty, just that I am sort of Religious, and I am praying for all my friends and family to be healthy and happy this year coming.

As I close my eyes tonight before going to bed, I will pray for all to have a great 2009.

There are people in this world that do not believe in God, any God for that matter and for them, I feel sorry for them. If I didn't have a belief I don't know where or how I would have survived.

Whether you are Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Worship the Frisbee, or any other organized religion that gets a tax break, please add prayer to your life, you will be glad you did.

Posted by Jersey Girl 46 :: 1:20 PM :: 0 Comments:

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