Friday, April 3, 2009

It's Friday and I am a failure...

Today has been a rotten day. I got on the scale and for all my hard work and energy I have gained 2 pounds. Did you read that???? 2 BAZILLION MILLION pounds. I threw caution to the wind and I went out to dinner tonight and I had ... a Coke Cola. Yes I did. I then had lobster, (which is really OK on my plan) and Shrimp. Did I forget to mention that I also might have had a little (A LOT) pasta. Seriously.

I feel ashamed and am personally disappointed in myself. I have 100 reasons why I did it. One being I had a headache that wouldn't quit, after several dozen Tylenol, I needed a Coke Cola. The pasta was just there, not really any intention of eating it.

Tomorrow I will be working out at 7 am with the rest of the healthy nuts and remembering how luscious my Coke Cola tasted.

Lypo anyone?? Please? Anyone???

Posted by Jersey Girl 46 :: 8:41 PM :: 0 Comments:

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