Thursday, June 18, 2009 It is what it is Been away from posting for no good reason other than, busier than than busy. After returning from my vacation that didn't seem like a vacation, I hit the floor running with so many mini projects. I have had to deal with; Child Support issues (not mine because I have no children other than 4 legged kind) Business Issues Work Issues Relocating Issues Animal Issues Elderly person Illness Mini Vacation to the shore Getting Elderly persons taken care of Breathing So it's been a lot and I haven't want to bore you with this. I have decided to fore go any plans I have and just wing it. And by wing it I mean totally let life run me for a while. It's much easier. Bad news comes though, I am not able to do the Marathon. Doctor feels my foot isn't healed enough and I am putting too much stress on it. Phsish I say... Who knows maybe he is right. We shall see. I am still walking. I will be regularly posting here and another spot just to keep my mind sane. Enjoy! Labels: Life |
::Good Ideas::